Organized by the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW-ICREF), this meeting will convene researchers, activists, and organizations concerned to confront threats to social justice, democracy, and decolonization posed by the rising right. The purpose is to share knowledge and critical perspectives among allies and to identify interest and next steps in building networks for research and organizing on this question.
The format will include a moderated panel featuring:
Barbara Perry, researcher of right-wing extremism in Canada, Ontario Tech University
Justin Ling, freelance investigative journalist
Elizabeth Simons, deputy director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Nuzhat Jafri, Executive Director of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW)
El Jones, researcher and activist of abolition and defunding police, Mount Saint Vincent University
Janet Conway, researcher of anti-feminism and the global right, Brock University
There will be opportunity for questions and comments and to share information about existing research and organizing initiatives.