Statement of solidarity with the people of Nova Scotia and all those who’ve lost their lives to COVID-19

The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) mourns with the families, friends, and communities of the people murdered in Nova Scotia on Sunday, April 19, 2020.

Our deepest and heartfelt condolences and sympathies go out to the families, friends, and communities affected by the senseless violence and killings in Nova Scotia. Our thoughts and prayers are with all Nova Scotians. 

Grieving and mourning for loved ones is particularly diffificult at this time when we cannot gather together and comfort one another. Let us mourn in place and take a moment to pray for all those who have lost their lives in Nova Scotia in these horrific murders and those who have lost their lives to COVID-19 and all those who are suffering.

We stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable, particularly the elderly and those with underlying health challenges. We recognize that racial inequality in our healthcare system disproportionately affects Indigenous and Black communities.  We also recognize that frontline workers who are paid the least in our society disproportionately comprise racialized individuals, immigrants, women, and young people. 

In committed solidarity,

Nuzhat Jafari

Executive Director, Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW)
