Exploring what it means to be a Canadian Muslim – A Historic Gathering of Youth from Across Canada
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is responding to an urgent call to action from Muslim mothers across Canada.
CCMW has initiated a unique forum, leaving it to Muslim youth from across Canada to organize. It is an opportunity for them to explore what it means to be a Canadian Muslim and the many paths they can travel on the road to citizenship, without taking dangerous detours.
The title of the event is “My Canada: A Forum on Identity, Faith and Civic Engagement”
It will be held on Saturday, October 31, 2009 at the Hotel Novotel in Toronto (3 Park Home Ave. 8AM-6PM). Muslim youth from as far away as Inuvik, Vancouver, Halifax and Charlottetown will gather to discuss the following topics:
In My Own Skin: Exploring Canadian Muslim Identities
For the Common Good: Broadening the Definition of Civic Engagement
Honesty for a Change: Artistic Expression as Civic Engagement
Multi-media Resources: Web 2.0 Technologies and More
“With the proliferation of new media and technologies, young people are inundated with information about Islam and Muslims most of it negative and confusing,” said Razia Jaffer, CCMW president. As a Muslim women organization concerned about our children, we needed to act.
Participants at the forum will hear from youth activists and performers and share their own stories about being Canadian and Muslim in an age of terror and advanced security measures.
“Getting the word out, be it through poetry, drama, music or civic action, that we are here, we are Canadian and Muslim and we want a better world for all, is vital for me,” said Toronto poet and one of the key speakers at the forum, Boonaa Mohammed.
For further information please Contact: Nuzhat Jafri at 416-487-8037 or 416-999-6059 or by email at nuzhat.jafri@rogers.com