A Day of Action and Reflection

Last year, with the discovery of remains of children in unmarked graves at former residential schools, many Canadians observed July 1st differently. We reflected on Canada’s relationship with and treatment of Indigenous peoples, and also honoured and stood in solidarity with Indigenous peoples.

Today we do the same. The ongoing discoveries at residential schools over the past year are disheartening reminders of Canada’s disgraceful residential school system, and the intergenerational trauma experienced by Indigenous communities.

As settlers on this land we have benefited from this colonial violence and must do our part in educating ourselves and understanding our roles in working towards reconciliation. Let us take the time today to honour the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples and their vibrant cultures and rich traditions, and acknowledge how colonialism has suppressed and undermined these cultures and traditions. Positive change for Indigenous peoples will only come from educating ourselves and acting on this knowledge.

However, education alone is not enough. We must be willing to take it a step further and let our elected representatives know that change needs to happen and that we want to see concrete action.

In this spirit, CCMW chapter presidents and staff and board members are coming together today to write letters of appeal to our leaders to urge action. We are also showing our support by sporting orange today. Wearing orange is a symbol of defiance against things that undermine children's self-esteem, and of our commitment to anti-racism and anti-bullying in general.

As a Muslim women’s organization, we also take the time today to think of the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The fight for gender justice cannot be won without advocating for and supporting Indigenous women and girls.

Today, and everyday, we encourage you to make a commitment towards decolonization and reconciliation through collective education, open discussion and concerted action. We need to do better for our country to ensure a better future for us all - Indigenous peoples and settlers alike.

We hope you can join us.

How to Help?

Send an Urgent Message 

Learn About Indigenous Peoples

Give to Orange Shirt Society

Donate to Indigenous Organizations

Social media: #EveryChildMatters

We continue to stand beside Indigenous Peoples and practice allyship through support and friendship.  

In Solidarity,

Happy July 1st
