We Mourn for our Beloved Al-Aqsa

The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) unequivocally condemns the recent attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque at the hands of Israeli authorities. Every Ramadan the world has watched as innocent Palestinian worshippers have been brutally attacked during the Holy month. Enough is enough. CCMW urges the government and the world to stand firmly for the human rights of Palestinians.  

This is just one example of how the rise of Islamophobia and other forms of hatred have created a dangerous environment for Muslims around the world. During this month of reflection and charitable giving we are seeing unspeakable violence and assault on human rights in two countries touted for their democracy.

CCMW is deeply troubled by the recent attacks on Masjid Al-Aqsa and the ongoing violence in India. These conflicts have caused tremendous suffering and loss of life, and they are connected to a broader pattern of Islamophobia.

In India, acts of violence and vandalism occurred during a Hindu festival in Muslim neighbourhoods. Reports state that at least two people were killed, and houses, shops, and even a madrassa and its library were set on fire. 

CCMW believes in the importance of promoting understanding and respect for everyone. We condemn all forms of violence, racism, and discrimination.

We remain committed to working towards a world where peace, justice, and equality prevail for all, and we stand in solidarity with those who are suffering. May Allah (SWT) grant peace and comfort to all those affected by these acts of violence.
