Ariana Yaftali

Ariana Yaftali fled Afghanistan during the Russian invasion in the late 80s and resettled in Canada in 2002. While in temporary asylum in Pakistan, Ariana worked for the United Nations office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/Development Program. Soon after arrival in Canada, Ariana started working as Refugee Sponsorship Counselor at Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council, assisting various faith and ethno-cultural communities in refugee sponsorship. Later, Ariana worked in various capacities in Mount Carmel Clinic, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT), Family Dynamic, currently working for the Government of MB as Employment and Income Assistance Counsellor.

In addition to her full-time job, Ariana has done volunteer work with Institute for International Women Rights (IIWR) MB, Entry Program, MOSAIC, a family resource center for newcomers and Run for Rights Organization, Occupational Health Clinic, Afghan-Canadian Women’s Organization and Afghanistan Task Force-Manitoba.

Realizing the need for settlement support for newly arrived Afghans particularly for vulnerable single moms arriving with large families, on her own initiative and as a volunteer, Ariana Co-founded the Afghan-Canadian Women’s Organization in 2006 which continues to this day. Ariana has volunteered enormous amount hours helping Afghan women and their families as they navigate the Canadian system, including capacity building, citizenship process, completing sponsorship applications, mapping out their settlement plan and offering ongoing support to the newly arrived refugees.

As one of the community leaders, Ariana has consistently ensured support, mentorship, and guidance to Afghan women in Winnipeg to comfortably resettle in their adopted country and community in Winnipeg. Ariana’s focus on women and young girls has ensured they are exposed to various opportunities. Through her activism and passion for Human Rights and Women’s Rights, Ariana has inspired many women and girls and become a role model for Afghan refugees in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

With the recent conflict in Afghanistan, Ariana has galvanized the Afghan community to continue advocacy with the Canadian government and politicians and has brought the plight of the Afghans, including the women and girls to the forefront so the world will not forget about Afghanistan. Ariana has been volunteering along with the Afghan community, including Afghan women’s group to welcome the newly arrived Afghan refugees by offering emotional and settlement support, including collecting donations, addressing some of the key settlement challenges and offering presentations to various agencies and educators to raise awareness. Ariana is the author of a book, “We did it”, a collection of refugee stories. Ariana has a degree in Conflict Resolution at U o W, Ariana and her partner are proud parents of their thirteen years old, Liliana.
