CCMW Muslim Women Scholars Series: May Edition
We Are Not Seen as Human: Stories of Dis/citizenship
Speaker: Dr. Muna Saleh
Please join us in this virtual seminar titled “We Are Not Seen as Human: Stories of Dis/citizenship”, featuring Dr. Muna Saleh (Concordia University of Edmonton).
Drawing from a 18 month narrative inquiry, this presentation will explore the pre-/post-displacement experiences of dis/citizenship as re/told by a Syrian Muslim refugee mother of dis/abled children. It will also explore larger themes of trauma, healing, and belonging in the midst of intersecting systems and dominant narratives.
Image Credit: Fo Photography (@fo_photography)
About Dr. Muna Saleh
Dr. Muna Saleh is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Concordia University of Edmonton, former elementary and secondary school teacher, mother to three awesome humans, and the author of “Stories We Live and Grow By: (Re)Telling Our Experiences as Muslim Mothers and Daughters.” Drawing upon her experiences as an intergenerational survivor of violent Palestinian displacement and as a caregiver to a child with a dis/ability, her most recent research is a narrative inquiry alongside Muslim mothers of children with dis/abilities who arrived in Canada with refugee experiences.
About Muslim Women Scholars Series
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is pleased to present the Muslim Women Scholars Series. One of CCMW's strategic goals is to promote critical thinking among Muslims and non-Muslims to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about Islam, Muslim women and their families. One way of doing this is to feature the work of contemporary Muslim women scholars focusing on diverse topics related to Muslim women.
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