Letter of Statement on the Quebec Shooting
Quebec mosque victims, clockwise from left: Soufiane, Khaled Belkacemi, Aboubaker Thabti, Abdelkrim Hassane, Mamadou Tanou Barry, and Ibrahima Barry
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
inna lillahi wa inallah-e-raji'oon
God we come and to God we return
Salaam, greetings of peace to all our friends,
As Canadians and as Muslims we are horrified that Muslims in Quebec City have been gunned down while at prayers in their local mosque on Sunday January 29th, 2017.
We are proud Canadians and find it incomprehensible that in our land of peace and tolerance, there are some people who have such hatred in their hearts that they have killed innocent people who have done them no harm.
We are comforted by the messages of sympathy that have been sent to us. Our condolences and prayers for the families who have lost their loved ones in this carnage of killings, and our prayers for those who were wounded.
People have asked us how and where they could donate funds for the families. We suggest donating by cheque or direct deposit according to the instructions provided on the Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec’s (CCIQ) website:
1. Make a cheque out to “Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec” and send it to:
Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec
2877 chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec, Quebec G1V 1W3
2. To donate by direct deposit:
Banking institution: Caisse Populaire Desjardins
Agency: Laval University, Quebec
Account number: 0815 20439 041290 8
Beneficiary: Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec
Address: 2877 chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec, Québec, G1V 1W3
For further information on the CCIQ, please contact: info@cciq.org
Thank you,
Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW)