Samira Kanji: 2011


Samira Kanji, the President and CEO of Noor Cultural Centre, is passionate about Noor’s mission of being a centre for Islamic practice, learning and celebration of Islamic culture while respecting the diversity in peoples and religions as directed by the Quran. Samira is a qualified chartered accountant and a mother of three grown children. Samira is a strong supporter of interfaith dialogue,  environmental protection and a champion for social and animal justice.

“I have always appreciated CCMW for its excellent research and advocacy work on topics important to Muslim women at large, and Noor Cultural Centre regularly relies on CCMW resources (for example the Muslim Marriage Contract Kit and Women in Niqab Speak).  In a context where Muslim women can be negatively impacted by both patriarchy from within and islamophobia,  the CCMW Mission to "strive for positive change to ensure the equitable and equal treatment and empowerment of all Canadian Muslim women" is critical. “
