Warda Warsame

Warda is a long-time community advocate passionate about working with diverse populations in capacity and community-building. With a decade of community development in the settlement sector, Warda's experience involves supporting and advocating for people on both an individual and group level to navigate complex systems. She believes in leveraging her education, as well as lived experience to improve the practical living conditions of racialized and underserved populations in Canada. 

1. What have been the most rewarding aspects of your work so far?

Assisting someone attain a goal or navigate through and triumph over a challenging obstacle is an exceptionally gratifying experience. Witnessing their progress, offering guidance, and being a source of encouragement can significantly improve a person's life, that is an honour I cherish.

2. What have been some of the more challenging aspects?

I think the opposite of the previous answer. Not being able to support people because of professional constraints such time and funding can be disheartening. Despite our best intentions and efforts, there are still gaps in services and sometimes those gaps and limitations stop us from fully supporting clients.

3. Name a Black Muslim woman who has been an inspiration to you and why.

My grandmother is my Black Muslim woman inspiration. She had the faith, tenacity and the service orientation I admire and try to aspire towards. 

4. In light of the prevailing atrocities we are witnessing in regions such as Gaza, Sudan, and Congo, please provide insights into potential avenues for demonstrating solidarity with the affected populations, as well as healing mechanisms you have been using to cope during this time. 

I demonstrate solidarity by listening to and amplifying the voices of activists from those community. Connecting with and supporting my friends from those communities is a coping strategy for me. 
